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Dr. Rebecca-Lea Freudl

Former Research Assistant
Rebecca-Lea Freudl


Rebecca-Lea Freudl has been a research assistant of the group since 2019. She studied political science and public administration at the universities of Potsdam, Copenhagen and Bergen. She received her doctorate with a thesis on “The Politics of Politico-Epistemic Authority” (summa cum laude), in which she examined how so called ‘non-majoritarian institutions’ characterising the ‘postnational constellation’ build and cultivate expert authority and how they, in so doing, rely on representational practices despite their often-claimed ‘non-representative nature’.

At the Weizenbaum Institute, she explores how different ‘varieties of experimental politics’, which are increasingly deployed to test emerging digital and data-based technologies, produce competing practices of political and epistemic representation.


Former Research Assistant

Research Group "Democracy and Digitalisation"


Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)