Rachel Griffin

Rachel Griffin is based at the law school of Sciences Po Paris, where her PhD research focuses on how EU social media regulation addresses - or fails to address - issues of structural social inequality. Under the supervision of Beatriz Botero Arcila, she will be leading a new research project that stems from her broader PhD work and will specifically examine the implementation of systemic risk management obligations within the EU’s Digital Services Act. This project will be her primary focus during the fellowship this autumn. Drawing on insights from political science, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and regulatory studies, she aims to evaluate the DSA’s risk management framework and plans to conduct interviews with stakeholders to better understand its implementation in practice.
Former Research Fellow, Open Fellowship
Research Group: Technology, Power & Domination
01.09.2024 - 30.11.2024
Fields of Research
(EU) Social Media Regulation, EU Law, Platform Governance, Digital Services Act
More Information
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID): 0000-0002-3925-3975
Social Media: X (ehemals Twitter) , Bluesky