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Ofra Klein

Former Research Fellow


I am a PhD researcher at the European University Institute in Florence under supervision of Professor Hanspeter Kriesi. My dissertation analyzes how social media platforms shape online mobilisation of far-right groups, and the role of enemies in the far-right discourse. I previously studied Sociology (VU University Amsterdam), Political Science (Leiden University) and Digital Humanities (KU Leuven). During my studies, I was a research assistant at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. At the Weizenbaum institute, I will be a fellow at the research group Digitalisation and the Transnational Public Sphere for the month of November. Here, I will work on studying far-right online mobilisation in Western-Europe.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Research Fellow:

Froschungsgruppe 15: Digitalisierung und transnationale Öffentlichkeit

November 2019

Fields of research

  • populism
  • far-right
  • online mobilisation
  • hate speech
  • internet memes


Klein, O., & Muis, J. (2019). Online discontent: comparing Western European farright groups on Facebook. European societies, 21(4), 540-562. 5.

Bhat, P., & Klein, O. (forthcoming, 2020). Covert hate speech: white nationalists and dog whistle communication on Twitter. In G. Bouvier, & J. Rosenbaum (Eds.), #Talkingpoints: Twitter, the public sphere, and the nature of online deliberation. Basingstoke: Palgrave-MacMillan.

Muis, J., Klein, O., & Dijkstra, G. (forthcoming, 2020). Challenges and opportunities of social media research. Using Twitter and Facebook to investigate far-right discourses. In S. Ashe, J. Busher, G. Macklin & A. Winter (Eds.), Researching the far right: theory, method and practice. London: Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right.

Klein, O. (forthcoming, 2020). Misleading memes: The effects of deceptive visuals of the British National Party. PArtecipazione e COnflitto.



European University Institute, Florence