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Dr.-Ing. Martin Florian

Research Group Lead
Martin Florian


Martin Florian received his doctorate in computer science from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2016. From 2012 to 2017, as part of the Institute of Telematics at KIT, he conducted research on privacy in smart traffic, peer-to-peer systems and Bitcoin. On an abstract level, he explored the question of how the protection of user privacy can be reconciled with the realization of robust and secure system functionality, as well as the question to what extent central trust anchors can be made obsolete through innovative peer-to-peer approaches.

From April 2017 to February 2018 he was part of Bundesdruckerei Innovations, where he worked on solutions for data protection, data analysis and identity management, as well as on blockchain-inspired distributed systems.

Since March 2018 he is heading the Weizenbaum research group "Trust in Distributed Environments".

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Research Group Lead:

Research Group "Trust in Distributed Environments"



Peer-reviewed articles

P. Keller, M. Florian, R. Böhme. Collaborative Deanonymization. In: 2nd Workshop on Coordination of Decentralized Finance (CoDecFin), 2021. Preprint

S. Henningsen, M. Florian, S. Rust, B. Scheuermann. Mapping the Interplanetary Filesystem. In: IFIP Networking 2020, June 2020. Preprint

Pernice, I./Henningsen, S./Proskalovich, R./Florian, M./Elendner, H./Scheuermann, B.: Monetary Stabilization in Cryptocurrencies -- Design Approaches and Open Questions, IEEE Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology, 2019. Preprint

M. Florian, S. Beaucamp, S. Henningsen and B. Scheuermann. "Erasing Data from Blockchain Nodes", IEEE Security & Privacy on the Blockchain (IEEE S&B) 2019. arXiv | Slides

S. Henningsen, D. Teunis, M. Florian and B. Scheuermann, "Eclipsing Ethereum Peers with False Friends", IEEE Security & Privacy on the Blockchain (IEEE S&B) 2019. Preprint

S. Beaucamp, S. Henningsen, M. Florian. „Strafbarkeit durch Speicherung der Bitcoin-Blockchain? Ein Lösungsversuch aus technischer und rechtlicher Sicht“, In: Multimedia und Recht (Verlag: C.H. Beck), Ausgabe 8, S. 493–564, München August 2018. Summary

S. Friebe, M. Florian. DPS-Discuss: Demonstrating Decentralized, Pseudonymous, Sybil-resistant Communication. SIGCOMM Posters and Demos ’17, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2017

F. K. Maurer, T. Neudecker and M. Florian. Anonymous CoinJoin Transactions with Arbitrary Values. 2017 IEEE Trustcom, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 522-529, August 2017. PDF

S. Friebe, M. Florian, I. Baumgart. Decentralized and Sybil-resistant Pseudonym Registration using Social Graphs. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), Auckland, New Zealand, Dezember 2016.

M. Florian. Privacy-preserving Cooperative Services for Smart Traffic. Dissertation Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Juli 2016. KITopen

M. Florian, F. Pieper, I. Baumgart. Establishing location privacy in decentralized long-distance geocast services. In: Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 37, Part 1, ISSN 1570-8705, pp. 110-121, Februar 2016

M. Florian, J. Walter, I. Baumgart. Sybil-Resistant Pseudonymization and Pseudonym Change without Trusted Third Parties. Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES), Denver, Colorado, USA, Oktober 2015. Preprint

M. Florian, S. Finster, I. Baumgart. Privacy-Preserving Cooperative Route Planning. In: IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 1, No. 6, ISSN 2327-4662, pp. 590-599, Oktober 2014. Preprint


Other Publications

L. Balduf, S. Henningsen, M. Florian, S. Rust, B. Scheuermann. Monitoring Data Requests in Decentralized Data Storage Systems: A Case Study of IPFS. April 2021. arXiv:2104.09202

Research Group “Trust in Distributed Environments”. Statement for Consultancy on a Digital Euro. October 2020. PDF | Press Release

Z. Efroni, M., Florian et al. Position Paper. A European Strategy for Data. Weizenbaum-Institut, June 2020. PDF | Press Release

M. Florian, S. Henningsen, B. Scheuermann. The Sum of Its Parts: Analysis of Federated Byzantine Agreement Systems. February 2020. arXiv:2002.08101 | Web Tool

M. Florian. Myth #50: Blockchains will solve all our problems. Busted! The Truth About The 50 Most Common Internet Myths. IGF 2019 Berlin. Available: online



Other recent activities

Member of program committee: Workshop on Decentralized Finance, Cryptoeconomic Systems (CES ‘21), IEEE Security & Privacy on the Blockchain (IEEE S&B 2020), and others

Lecturer at ISSEM 2019: 17th International Summer School in Economics and Management (Havana, Cuba)

Member of advisory council (Beirat): ECDF research project B_B_Blockchain

Organisation of Berlin Conference on Crypto-Currencies in a Digital Economy (CCConf)


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)
+49 30 700141-027

