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Marina Lucena

Former Research Fellow


Currently, Marina Lucena is a Ph.D. candidate at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She went to Law School and during this period she participated in an exchange program in Italy. She did her Master’s in Law and Innovation and was also a temporary professor for two years.

Marina Lucena is interested in conducting research concerning Law and its relations with technology. She wrote her undergraduate and Master’s thesis about the right to be forgotten. Currently, her dissertation research regards the dissemination of misinformation on social media platforms. The main objective is to examine the AI profiling technique utilized by those platforms and if this technique increases the belief in the fake news shared.

At the Weizenbaum-Institut she is a part of the research group “Platform Algorithms and Digital Propaganda”. Thus, it will be an opportunity to understand in-depth the German perspective on the algorithms on social media platforms and possibly offer solutions for her country regarding misinformation.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Former Research Fellow

Research Group “Platform Algorithms and Digital Propaganda


Social Media

Instagram: @marinaglucena

Twitter/X: @marinaglucena


State University of Rio de Janeiro