Margarita Gladkaya

Margarita got her bachelor's degree at the Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg, Russia. There she acquired her first research experience working on B.Sc. thesis “Ticket Pricing in the Concert Industry: Case-Study of Moscow Crocus City Hall”. Since she was very enthusiastic about the wide range of areas where analytical skills may come handy, she applied for the HSE’s master's program “Applied Economics and Mathematical Methods” and graduated with honours. During her master's studies, Margarita worked as a teaching assistant at the course “Data Analysis and Data Technologies”. She also attended research seminars of the International Centre for Health Economics, Management, and Policy which she joined afterwards as a research intern. The most recent project Margarita worked on was “Food and Nutrition” devoted to the analysis of the relationship between changes in households’ resources and nutrition.
These experiences combined with the interest in the impact of developing social media applications on the society allowed her to join the chair for Business Informatics, esp. Social Media and Data Science. At the moment Margarita is involved into preparing tutorials and supervising seminar papers and theses.
Doctoral Researcher:
Research Group "Digital Technologies and Well-being"
Selected Publications
Conference Proceedings
Gladkaya, M., Gundlach, J., Bergert, C., Baumann, A., Krasnova, H. (2018) We Need to Talk! Antecedents and Consequences of Children's Smartphone Use - A Literature Review, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), New Orleans, LA, August 16-18, 2018
Gladkaya, M., Quirmbach, D. (2017) "Are We What We Eat? Food Sanctions and the Consequences for the Health and Diet of the Russian Population", 3rd International RLMS-HSE User Conference, Moscow, Russia.
Gladkaya, M. (2017) "Democratic Institutions and the Development of Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Russian Regions", XVIII April International Academic Conference, Moscow, Russia.