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Prof. Dr. Luise Pufahl

Associate Researcher

Luise Pufahl studied Information Systems at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. After her doctorate at the Hasso Plattner Institut at the University of Potsdam and research stays in The Netherlands and Austria, she worked as a postdoc at the Technische Universität Berlin. In 2022, she led the software and business engineering research group as an interim professor. Since 2023, she is leading the research group Information Systems at the TUM, Campus Heilbronn.

Luise Pufahl is researching in the area of business process management and process mining. Her main research interests include analyzing and automating resource- and knowledge-intensive business processes using a range of techniques, such as operations research, process mining, simulation, and machine learning. Additionally, she investigates the use of data-aware methods for handling regulations and promoting sustainability in business processes. Her research has practical applications in industries such as healthcare and logistic.

Repetitive and cyclical behavior is widespread in business processes. For example, therapies and medications are regularly administered to patients until a certain state of health is reached. In agile software development, the development cycle is repeated until a certain product state is reached. The concepts in process modeling as well as analysis are limited to document and analyze these structures in an understandable way. In this project, new concepts and techniques will be developed to make cyclic structures in business processes transparent and to analyze them.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Associate Researcher

Research Group "Security and Transparency of Digital Processes


Social Media

Twitter: @luise_pufahl

Technische Universität München, Campus Heilbronn