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Prof. Lance Bennett

Former Research Fellow

Lance Bennett is Emeritus Professor of Communication and Political Science and Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Journalism, Media and Democracy at the University of Washington, Seattle. He has held visiting professorships at Harvard, Uppsala, Stockholm, and Free University, Berlin, and was awarded honorary doctorates from Uppsala and Bern. He has received career achievement awards from the American Political Science Association, The International Communication Association, and the US National Communication Association, along with a German Humboldt Research Prize for distinguished international scholarship.

He has lectured and published on media and information systems, press-government relations, citizenship and civic engagement, digital activism, and problems of disinformation in democracies. His current work focuses on better aligning environment, economy and democracy to build more equitable and sustainable societies. Selected publications include: The Logic of Connective Action (Cambridge 2013, with Alexandra Segerberg), The Disinformation Age (open access, Cambridge 2020, with Steven Livingston), and Communicating the Future: Solutions for Environment, Economy and Democracy (Polity 2021).

The fellowship will be used to work on a paper titled Networked News Framing with members of the Digital News Dynamics group, associated group members, and researchers from the cooperation partner of FU Berlin.

During the fellowship, he will give a talk on “Filtering Signals from the  Noise in the Networked Society” as part of the 2023 ECREA Political Communication Section Conference hosted at the Weizenbaum Institute.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Former Research Fellow

15 August 2023 - 15 September 2023: Research Group “Digital News Dynamics

October 2018 - March 2019: Research Group “Digitalization and transnational public sphere“


University of Washington