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Dr. Katrin Becker

Former Research Fellow
Katrin Becker


Katrin Becker is Research Associate at the University of Luxembourg and Associated Member at Georg Simmel Center, at the EHESS in Paris. She studied law, German and Romance languages and literature at the Universities of Trier, Bonn and Paris-Sorbonne and completed her PhD in Luxembourg and Paris in 2015. Her research focuses on the impact of new technologies (blockchain) on traditional concepts of subjectivity, institution, and law. While at Weizenbaum Institute, she is investigating the relationship between trust and trustless trust in dispute resolution DApps like Kleros.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Former Research Fellow

Research Group “Trust in Distributed Environments

1 January – 30 June 2022

Fields of research

  • Blockchain Technology
  • Representation
  • Subjectivity
  • Legal Theory
  • Institutional Theory


  • EHESS: La justice en ligne
  • IEA/EHESS/Uni.Lu: Technique – symbolique – pouvoir



Blockchain matters – lex cryptographica and the displacement of legal symbolics and imaginaries, Respondents: Jean Lassègue & Pierre Musso, Law & Critique, 2022.

My thoughts on blockchains and Lex Cryptographia, on Evgeny Morozov’s The CryptoSyllabus

La technologie blockchain – et les tendances de la décorporéisation en droit et culture, Pistes. Revue de philosophie contemporaine. Éthique, politique, philosophie des techniques, Librairie Philosophie J. Vrin 09/2021, N°1.

Zoom in den Gerichtssaal – über das Für und Wider digitaler Gerichtsprozesse, in: Verfassungsblog – on matters constitutional,


Twitter: @katrinbecker


Universität Luxemburg