Prof. Dr. Eva Weber-Guskar

Eva Weber-Guskar is Heisenberg Professor of Ethics and Philosophy of Emotions at the Ruhr University Bochum. She studied philosophy, political science and comparative literature in Munich, Paris and Berlin, got her PhD at Free University of Berlin with a book on understanding emotions and wrote her second book on the notion of human dignity. After that she had several guest professorships in Berlin, Zurich, Vienna and Erlangen and started working on ethics in a digitalized world.
She is a research fellow at Weizenbaum Institute from June to September 2019. In the group 20, Criticality of AI-based Systems, she is working on emotions in human-machine-interaction and in group 12, Democracy and Digitalisation, on forms of discussions in online comments.
Former Research Fellow:
Research Group "Democracy and Digitalisation"
Research Group "Criticality of AI-based Systems"
June - September 2019
Selected Publications
Weber-Guskar, Eva: „Ambivalente Anonymität. Demokratische Debatten in Online-Kommentaren?“. In: Behrendt, Hauke; Loh, Wulf; Matzner, Tobias; Misselhorn, Catrin (Hrsg.): Privatsphäre 4.0. Eine Neuverortung des Privaten im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Stuttgart, Metzler. Im Erscheinen (November 2019).
Weber-Guskar, Eva: „Der Online-Kommentar: Moralismus in digitalen Massenmedien“. In: Neuhäuser, Christian und Seidel, Christian: Kritik des Moralismus. In Erarbeitung.
Rezension von: „Paula Boddington: Towards a Code of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence“. In: Zeitschrift für Ethik und Moralphilosophie 2018. Online first. DOI: 10.1007/s42048-018-0006-z