Prof. Dr. Emese Domahidi

Emese Domahidi is Professor of Communication Science, especially Computational Communication Science at Technische Universität Ilmenau . Her research focuses on relevant and current topics related to the digitalization of individuals, organizations and society, such as biased content in digital media, right-wing networks, alternative media and psychosocial consequences of digital media use. She is particularly interested in the development, evaluation and application of computer methods for communication science. She is involved in various interdisciplinary research projects, for example with computer scientists and psychologists.
Emese Domahidi has published in leading journals in her field and co-edited various special issues. She is editor of the journal Publizistik, spokesperson for the methods section of the German Communication Association and a member of the editorial board of several journals. She is one of the founders of the CCS Podcast.
Associate Researcher
Digital Science Center: Methods Lab
Fields of Research
Computational Methods, Content Analysis, Systematic Reviews and Metaanalysis
Bias in Digital Media, Far-right Networks and Alternative Media, Mental Health in Digital Media
Committees and functions
Spokesperson of the Methods Division of the German Communication Association, Editor of Publizistik, Member of the editorial boards of Communication Methods and Measures, Computational Communication Research, Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, Journal of, Media Psychology, Media Psychology, Medien & Kommunikationwissenschaft; Mitgliedschaft: DGPuK, ICA
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