Carsten Schwemmer, M.A.
Carsten Schwemmer is Ph.D candidate in the field of Computational Social Science at University of Bamberg. His research focuses on applying computational methods for ethnic minority, political communication and social media studies. Regarding methodology, he is especially interested in natural language processing, data scraping and the development of research software. In addition to research, he taught courses about data analysis, data scraping and quantitative text analysis at University of Bamberg, University of Constance and Humboldt University of Berlin.
Research Fellow:
Research Group "Digitalisation and the Transnational Public Sphere"
1 March - 31 August 2019
Selected Publications
Carsten Schwemmer & Sandra Ziewiecki (2018). Social Media Sellout: The Increasing Role of Product Promotion on YouTube. Social Media + Society.
Jasper Dag Tjaden, Carsten Schwemmer & Menusch Khadjavi (2018). Ride with Me—Ethnic Discrimination, Social Markets, and the Sharing Economy. European Sociological Review.
Lucas Geese & Carsten Schwemmer (2019). MPs’ principals and the substantive representation of disadvantaged immigrant groups. West European Politics.