Dr. Antonia Meythaler (born Köster)

After completing her bachelor's degree in Business Administration at LMU Munich in 2013, Antonia Köster was accepted into the Y-model for outstanding bachelor's graduates and the doctoral program at LMU Munich. Until September 2017, she worked at the Institute for Information Systems and New Media (WIM) with Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess as research assistant and doctoral candidate. After completing her Master of Business Research as part of her doctoral studies at LMU in April 2016, Antonia Köster was invited by the School of Information (UC Berkeley) to work as a visiting researcher in the USA from August to October 2016.
As part of her research activities, she was involved in the “Digital Life” research group, which studies issues of digitalization in the private sphere. In May 2017, she received her Ph.D. with a thesis on “Social Referrals via Personal Communication Tools”. Her research contributions have been published at nationally and internationally renowned conferences such as ECIS, AMCIS, HICSS and MKWI as well as in the journals Electronic Commerce Research and Applications and Informatik-Spektrum.
- Best Associate Editor Award at the "30th European Conference in Information Systems" (ECIS 2022), Timișoara, Rumänien
- Outstanding AIS Community Award (SIG Culture), 2019
Research Group Lead
Research Focus: Digital Technologies in Society
Research Group „Well-being in the Digital World“
Fields of Research
- Impact of social media on well-being
- Societal impact
More Projects
Das mobile Internet der Zukunft – Verbundprojekt: Bezahlen & Arbeiten
Committees and functions
- Association for Information Systems
- Member of the AG Karriereförderung at the Weizenbaum-Institut
- Member of the AG WI-Ethikkommission
- Editorial Review Board Member: Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS) and Internet Research
More Information
- Researchgate
- Google Scholar
- Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7320-3103
Selected Publications
Bergert, C., Köster, A., Krasnova, H., Turel, O. (2020) Missing Out on Life: Parental Perceptions of Children’s Mobile Technology Use, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, March 08-11, 2020, Potsdam, Germany.
Köster, A., Baumann, A., Krasnova, H., Avital, M., Lyytinen, K., Rossi, M. (2020) To Share or Not to Share: Should IS Researchers Share or Hoard their Precious Data?, Panel Proposal, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020).
AbuJarour, S., Ajjan, H., Fedorowicz, J., Köster, A. (2019) "Turning the Dark Side of Social Media Bright! The Case of Immigration in the USA and Germany", Panel, 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, 2019.
AbuJarour, S., Bergert, C., Gundlach, J., Köster, A., Krasnova, H. (2019) "Your Home Screen is Worth a Thousand Words”: Investigating the Prevalence of Smartphone Apps among Refugees in Germany", 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, 2019.
Köster, A., Bergert, C; Gundlach, J. (forthcoming) Information as a Life Vest: Understanding the Role of Social Networking Sites for the Social Inclusion of Syrian Refugees, wird erscheinen in: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018), San Francisco, USA.
Köster, A.; Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2018) Das Smartphone als Steuerungseinheit im Smart Home: Determinanten der Nutzung am Beispiel von Smart-TVs, Proceedings der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Lüneburg.
Köster, A.; Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2017) Does the Source Matter? How Referral Channels and Personal Communication Tools Affect Consumers’ Referral Propensity, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2017), Hawaii.
Köster, A.; Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2016) Carefully Choose your (Payment) Partner: How Payment Provider Reputation influences M-Commerce Transactions, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 26–37.
Köster, A.; Matt, C.; Torremante, T.; Hess, T.; Heinze, J. (2016) Vertrauensbildung durch soziale Empfehlungen: Zur Rolle von Empfehlungssystemen im M-Commerce, Informatik Spektrum, Volume 39, Issue 2, pp. 147-154.
Köster, A. (2016) A Value-Based Approach to Understanding the Personal Relevance of Different Communication Features, Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2016, Istanbul, Türkei.
Hess, T.; Köster, A.; Matt, C. (2016)The Strategic Role of Communication Standards for Media Companies erschienen in: Information Systems and Management in eMedia and Entertainment, Artur Lugmayr, Emilija Stojmenova, Katarina Stanoevska, Robert Wellington (Eds.), Springer Gabler.
Torremante, L.; Köster, A.; Heinze, J. (2015) Mobile Recommender Systems: Trust and Context-Awareness, Mobile HCI 2015 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Copenhagen, Dänemark.
Köster, A.; Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2015) The Role of Communication Types on Referral Acceptance in Social Networks, Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference of Information Systems (AMCIS 2015), Puerto Rico.
Köster, A.; Kaltenecker, N.; Hess, T. (2015) Searching for new Perspectives? Towards Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Inclusion of the Provider Perspective in Information Systems Research, Research Report: LMU Munich, No. 2/15.
Hess, T.; Köster, A.; Steiner, R. (2014) Journalistic Startups in the Online World, Management Report: LMU Munich, No.3/14.
Hess, T.; Köster, A. (2014) Potentiale von Online-Werbung für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen- untersucht am Beispiel von Hamburg, Management Report: LMU Munich, No.1/14.
Präsentationen und Transfer
Köster, A. (Podiumsdiskussion): „Digitale Ängste als Herausforderung für die Gesellschaft“, Veranstaltung: „Mythen, Visionen und Dystopien – wie digitale Ängste unsere Gesellschaft beeinflussen“, die Veranstaltungsreihe von FSF und FSM, Bertelsmann Repräsentanz, 05.12.2019.
Köster, A. (Vortrag): „Digitalization as a Driver of Organizational Transformation”, EFMD – HUMANE Summer School, Berlin, 19.09.2019.
Köster, A (Podiumsdiskussion): Digitale Ethik: Welche Werte brauchen wir in einer digitalisierten Welt?, Veranstaltung: Dialogveranstaltung „Gesellschaft 4.0 – Die digitale Zukunft gestalten”, Staatskanzlei Brandenburg, Potsdam, 18.10.2018.
Köster, A. (Vortrag) „Forschungsvorhaben zu digitaler Integration“, Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Entwicklung und Verwaltung, Potsdam, 08.06.2018.
Köster, A . (Vortrag) „Die Macht von Social-Sharing-Buttons“, Internet Business Cluster e.V., München, 12.06.2018.
Köster, A. (Workshop) „Lebensweltliche und digitale Integration: Informationsplattform“, Zuwanderung nach Berlin: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die wachsende Stadt, Technischen Universität Berlin und HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform, Berlin, 04.10.2018.
Köster, A. (Podiumsdiskussion) „Data Sovereignty – Privacy and Security in Consumer IT and Public IT”, Research Alumni Conference on Online Trust, Technische Universität Berlin, Boston, 25.09.2018.
Service für die Forschungsgemeinschaft
- International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
- Information Systems Journal (ISJ)
- European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
- American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
- Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
- Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI)
- Internet Research (IR)
Associate Editor:
Wirtschaftsinformatik Konferenz 2018, Track: Information Security & Information Privacy