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Call for Papers: WJDS Special Issue “Well-Being in the Digital World”
A new Special Issue “Well-Being in the Digital World” of the Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society (WJDS) will focus on one of the most pertinent goals the world faces today: ensuring individual well-being. Abstract submission deadline: July 31, 2024
Indeed, with challenges related to mental health becoming particularly pronounced during and in the aftermath of the pandemic, numerous stakeholders question the role of technology in contributing to users’ psychological health.
This Special Issue aims to provide room and motivate more research into the role of technology in users' well-being and mental health. Specifically, we seek contributions that help to answer the following exemplary research questions:
- Which role do digital technologies play in users’ well-being? What are the mechanisms behind the observed relationships?
- Who are the users most at risk to technology-enabled well-being and mental health effects?
- How can technology be designed and leveraged to ensure users’ well-being?
- How can technology use be best and most reliably operationalized in research to derive valid cause-effect estimates?
- What are the long-term effects of remote work and digital collaboration on workers’ mental health and well-being?
- Which strategies can users rely on to ensure a healthy use of social media?
- What is virtual and augmented reality's potential in the treatment of mental health conditions in the clinical context?
The guest editors invite contributions that study this topic with interdisciplinary and multi-perspective approaches. We invite papers that apply various methodological approaches, including surveys, experiments, big data analytics, linkage designs, and qualitative methods, to name a few. Furthermore, we welcome contributions that follow very different conceptions or are designed in different formats, such as case studies, systematic or scoping literature reviews, opinion papers, and methodological or conceptual work.