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27.03.2019 -

12:00 Uhr - Weizenbaum-Institut, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin

Hagit Keysar: The DIY Testimony – Negotiating the Public Field of Aerial Vision

Dr. Hagit Keysar (Ben Gurion University) will present a case study from Israel/Palestine that demonstrates DIY aerial photography as visual testimony for articulating and asserting rights abuse.

This talk analyzes the political potentials of a do-ityourself (DIY) aerial photography technique using balloons and kites, which was developed by the Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science for purposes of environmental activism. It shifts away from the focus on environmental evidence and examines the use of DIY aerial photography as a participatory research methodology and a form of storytelling in areas of conflict. 

Weizenbaum fellow Hagit Keysar will focus on one case study from her work in Israel/Palestine that demonstrate the use of DIY aerial photography as visual testimony for articulating and asserting rights abuse in struggles over land, space and place. The distinctive politics of the DIY testimony will be presented here vis-à-vis other forms of aerial testimonies, such as satellites and drones, and unpacked through its experimental, embodied and performative qualities.

This talk argues for the exploration of and experimentation with the potentials of civic technoscience as a way of materializing counter-dominant visual practices in human rights activism.

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