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01.04.2019 -

15:30 Uhr - Weizenbaum Institut, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin

Andrew Sullivan: Building a Stronger IGF – Lessons from the Internet Way

Andrew Sullivan, CEO, Internet Society, will give an outlook on the future of the IGF

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) – which will bring 3000 Internet Policy experts from around the world to Berlin this November – has been a unique platform to address key Internet policy issues in an open and multistakeholder fashion. However, the Internet Society is concerned that the IGF community is showing signs of fatique – less highlevel attendance, diffuse outcomes, lack of stable funding sources. The IGF needs to evolve by simplifying its format, developing more tangible outcomes, and raising its profile. If the IGF doesnt become stronger and evolve with urgency, there is a risk that more top-down alternatives will gain strength, which means that discussions about the most pressing issues are taken to other spaces, and these spaces may not be open or inclusive of a wide range of stakeholders.

We need to understake strong efforts to work urgently to improve the IGF so that it remains an effective platform to address the critical challenges facing the future of the Internet.

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