
09/23/2019 - 09/26/2019
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM | Convention Centre at Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
The 19th ACM Symposium Document Engineering (DocEng 2019) will take place from 23 September to 26 September 2019 at Fraunhofer FOKUS. The symposium will be organised by the research group "Digitalisation and Scientific Value Creation“ in cooperation of Fraunhofer FOKUS and the Weizenbaum Institute.
The ACM Symposium on Document Engineering is an annual meeting of researchers active in document engineering. Interested researchers are invited to submit papers and to attend the Symposium, which is held in the latter part of each year. DocEng is the leading international ACM Symposium for researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore cutting-edge ideas and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences in the domain of document engineering. It is sponsored by ACM by means of the ACM SIGWEB Special Interest Group and in cooperation with ACM SIGDOC.
All DocEng Proceedings are available through the ACM Digital Library.
The 19th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2019) seeks original research papers that focus on the design, implementation, development, management, use and evaluation of advanced systems where documents and document collections play a key role. DocEng emphasizes innovative approaches to document engineering technology, use of documents and document collections in real-world applications, and novel principles, tools and processes that improve our ability to create, manage, maintain, share, and productively use these. In particular, DocEng 2019 seeks contributions in the area of cooperative work with documents. You are invited to submit original papers to DocEng 2019, to be held in Berlin, Germany. Attendees at this international forum have interests that span all aspects of document engineering and applications.
For more information, please visit the DocEng website.