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Stefanie Hecht

Doctoral Researcher


Stefanie Hecht completed her master's degree in industrial engineering with a focus on human computer interaction and systems engineering at the Technical University of Berlin.

Since 2015, she has been working as a research associate and project manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) in the areas of e-government, open government and open data. In projects with industry and public administration at EU, federal and state level, she is primarily concerned with the user experience of digital solutions.

In addition to her work at Fraunhofer FOKUS, doctoral student Stefanie Hecht combines scientific research at the Weizenbaum Institute. For her, the path of the Weizenbaum Institute is characterised by the interdisciplinary environment, which enables her to deepen her own knowledge and to experience an enrichment by other disciplines.



Doctoral Researcher

Research Group: Data-Driven Business Model Innovations


Berlin University of the Arts
+49 30 700141-056

