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Saskia Kretschmer

Former Research Fellow


Saskia Kretschmer is a researcher in the field of criminology and sociology. During her time as a research assistant in the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Management at the University of Wuppertal, the qualified sociologist focused on the effects of crime prevention and urban development measures on crime and subjective perceptions of safety and security.

The idea for her doctoral project also arose from this work. Her personal research focus is primarily on gender-specific aspects of perceived safety in public spaces. To this end, she is researching the prevention and reduction of women's feelings of insecurity.

A special focus is on the investigation of innovative technological solutions with the aim of reducing feelings of insecurity in public spaces. This is also the link to the research group “Digitalization and Networked Security”. As part of the fellowship, Saskia Kretschmer discusses possible (unintended) consequences and potentials of technological applications for perceived safety in public spaces together with the members of the research group.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Former Research Fellow

Research Group “Digitalization and Networked Security


Social Media


#unsicherheit #öffentlicherraum #catcalling #streetharassment


Bergische Universität Wuppertal