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Lilo Viehweg

Former Research Assistant

Lilo Viehweg is a design researcher and curator. Her research interest lies in the investigation of material cycles and social processes between humans and non-humans. She studied Industrial Design at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle and graduated in Product Design at the University of Arts in Berlin.

From 2016 until 2018 she was a Research Associate at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, where she developed participative mediation tools and investigated knowledge transfer processes in cooperation with the Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin, the Fraunhofer IWU, the Material Archive in Zurich et al. Her works have been exhibited at the Werkbund Archive – Museum of Things Berlin, the Technology Collection Dresden, the Design Week Beirut et al.

Since 2015, Lilo Viehweg has also been teaching at various universities. She has held guest lectureships at the Zurich University of the Arts in Interaction Design, at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Integrated Design and at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in the cooperative master's programme COOP Design Research.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Research Assistant:

Research Group "Production Possibilities of the Maker Culture"

August - December 2019

Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK)