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Khaliq Parkar

Former Research Fellow, Open Fellowship Program


Khaliq Parkar is a PhD researcher at CESSMA, Université Paris Cité. His thesis and research project at the WI explores ways in which digitalization reconfigures the nature of urban governance in India.

His work combines former training in Political Science with current work in Geography. His interest lies in decoding how platforms, digital infrastructures and data transform existing governance institutions, processes, and decision making. He is part of the Centre for Policy Research (New Delhi) and French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) research team “Urban governance in India through the prism of the 100 Smart Cities Mission”. Prior to the PhD, he taught courses in Political Science for six years at universities in India.

He recently co-edited and contributed to a special issue on Digitalization of urban governance in India for the journal Samaj. He held the ARTS fellowship from the IRD for his thesis work.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Former Research Fellow, Offenes Fellowship

01.04.24 -28.06.24

Fields of research

Digitalization of urban governance

algorithmic governance, smart cities, digital infrastructures, digital democracy


CESSMA, Université Paris Cité