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Katrin Herms, M.A.

Former Research Fellow


Katrin Herms is a Research Fellow in the group "Dynamics of Digital News Dissemination" at the Weizenbaum Institute. She uses discourse analysis to investigate framing effects in news reception and explores the question of which users gain most attention in mini-controversies surrounding political news on the microblogging platform X, how protest resources and possibly new opinion groups emerge in the process.

Katrin is doing her PhD in Sociology at EHESS in Paris on polarization tendencies and solidarity in the Corona debate in Germany and France. She developed her research project as a PhD student of the CNRS in the ERC project "Socsemics" and member of the css team at the Center Marc Bloch. Following her bachelor's degree in journalism at the TU Dortmund University, a master's degree in cross-border communication and cooperation studies at the Universities of Saarbrücken, Metz and Luxembourg, as well as a practical phase as a journalist, her mixed-methods approach also draws on models from media and communication studies.

Katrin currently teaches "social theory" in the Bachelor's program  Social Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin. She is also an associated doctoral candidate at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin, and active member of their research group "State, Law and Political Conflict".

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Former Research Fellow

Research Group: Digital News Dynamics

01.02.24 -29.02.24

Fields of research

polarization in public debates, news reception, digital discourse analysis, framing


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Centre Marc Bloch