Justyna Stypinska
Justyna Stypińska completed her PhD on the topic of “Age discrimination in the labor market. A sociological-legal analysis”. Her research focuses on multiple forms of age discrimination and age inequalities in contemporary societies, especially in their most recent digital forms of late capitalism. In her newest project, beginning 2023 and funded by the Volkswagen Foundation Germany “AI Ageism: new forms of age discrimination and exclusion in the era of algorithms and artificial intelligence” she will analyze with an international team (UK, Spain, Poland) the effects of use artificial intelligence technology on the ageing populations in Europe.
Positions at Weizenbaum Institut
Stypinska, J. AI ageism: a critical roadmap for studying age discrimination and exclusion in digitalized societies. AI & Society (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-022-01553-5
Turek, Mulders, Stypińska, Different Shades of Discriminatory Effects of Age Stereotypes in the Workplace: A Multilevel and Dynamic Perspective on Organizational Behaviors, Work, Aging and Retirement, (2022). https://doi.org/10.1093/workar/waac019