Johanna Hampf
Johanna Hampf has been head of transfer and dialogue since 15 September 2020. As a manager for events and transfer she has been at the Weizenbaum Institute since May 2018 and developed this area that she took over as head at the start of the second funding phase. She was responsible for the institute's transfer strategy and continues to develop it with her team.
Previously, she was in charge of projects in the fields of knowledge transfer, networking and science communication for more than ten years, mainly for public clients in the context of ministries. In addition to her degree in cultural studies from Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), she holds degrees as a specialist economist for project management and as an event manager (IHK). Since November 2017, she has also been a member of the IHK examination board for event specialists.
Head of Transfer and Dialogue, Weizenbaum-Institut e.V.
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