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Dr. Eva Mayerhöffer

Former Research Fellow


Dr. Eva Mayerhöffer is Assistant Professor of Journalism at the Department of Communication and Arts, University of Roskilde, where she is also affiliated with the Center for News Research and the Roskilde University Digital Media Lab. She holds a Ph.D. in political communication from Freie Universität Berlin and has previously worked as research associate at the Institute of Media and Communication Studies, FU Berlin, as well as the University of Hohenheim. Her research focuses on the role of elites and anti-elites in journalism and political communication, most recently in connection with hyper-partisan alternative media and digital counter-publics.

Eva Mayerhöffer is a Fellow of the Weizenbaum Institute’s research group 15 (Digitalization and the Transnational Public Sphere) from June 15 to July 15, 2020. She will be working on a comparative project on sourcing and hyperlinking practices of right-wing alternative media.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Research Fellow

Research Group "Digitalisation and the Transnational Public Sphere"

15 June - 15 July 2020



Mayerhöffer, Eva (forthcoming): Radical without a cause? Right-wing alternative media in the Danish context. Journalism Studies.

Heft, Eva/Mayerhöffer, Annett/Reinhardt, Susanne/Knüpfer, Curd (2020): Beyond Breitbart. Comparing right-wing digital news infrastructures in Western democracies. Policy & Internet 12(1).

Mayerhöffer, Eva/Schwartz, Sander A. (2020): Fake eller partisk? Hyperpartiske onlinemedier i den danske valgkamp 2019 [Fake or partisan? Hyperpartisan online media in the Danish election campaign 2019]. In Just, Sine & Gulbrandsen, Ib T. (eds). Politisk kommunikation og digitale medier. Samfundslitteratur.

Blach-Ørsten, Mark/Mayerhöffer, Eva/Willig, Ida (2020): From Government Office to Private PR—Career Patterns of Special Ministerial Advisers and the Privatization of Politics. International Journal of Press/Politics 25(2).

Mayerhöffer, Eva (2019): Elite Cohesion in Mediatized Politics: European Perspectives. Rowman & Littlefield International.


Twitter: @EvaMayerhoeffer


Universität Roskilde, Denmark