Dr. jur. habil. Andreas Sattler

Andreas Sattler studied Law and Economics at the University of Bayreuth and he received a LL.M. at the University of Nottingham. His PhD thesis "Emancipation and Expansion of Trade Mark Law" (Mohr Siebeck) was awarded the Karl-Gareis-Preis of the Factulty of Law and Economics of the University of Bayreuth. After his legal clerkship and work as a solicitor in an international law firm he completed his Habilitation ("Informational Autonomy" - Mohr Siebeck) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. Hereafter he held Interim Professorships ("Lehrstuhlvertretung") at the Albert Ludwig University Freiburg and the Humboldt University Berlin. Currently he holds an Interim Professorship in Law and Infomatics at the Karlruhe Institute of Technology. His research interest focus on Intellectual Property Law and the improvement of the European regulatory framework for data-based innovation.
Former Research Fellow, Open Fellowship
01.03.24 - 31.03.24
Fields of Research
IP-Law, Data Protection Law, Law of Digitalisation, Regulatory Framework for data-based innovation
Committees and functions
Interim Professorship (Lehrstuhlvertretung) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)