
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Weizenbaum Institute, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin, Room C1 02
Prof. Dr. Ofir Turel: Consequences of abstinence/deprivation from social media use – Three studies
Prof. Dr. Ofir Turel will give a presentation about a series of three pre-post case-control studies where he tried to examine the consequences of short (up to one week) self-imposed abstinence/deprivation from social media (SM) use, and whether the results differ between normal and at-risk for SM addiction users.
Some tempting behaviors, such as social media (SM) use, have become highly habituated and in some cases even compulsive. Given a myriad of negative consequences of such use patterns, people try to break their use habits and either fully quit or take a short break (abstain) from using SM. In a series of three pre-post case-control studies we try to examine the consequences of short (up to one week) self-imposed abstinence/deprivation from SM use, and whether the results differ between normal and at-risk for SM addiction users. Study 1 (n=415) showed post-abstinence increase in time-distortion in all users; and especially in at-risk users. Study 2 (n=555) revealed post-abstinence reduction in stress in all users; and especially in at-risk users. Study 3 (n=629) indicated increased perceived behavioral control over self-imposed abstinence in all users; and especially in at-risk users. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Ofir Turel is a Professor of Information Systems and Decision Sciences at the College of Business and Economics, California State University, Fullerton, and a Scholar in Residence at the Decision Neuroscience Program, Department of Psychology at the University of Southern California (USC). His research interests include a broad range of behavioral, bio-physiological and managerial issues in various information systems use contexts. During his fellowship at the Weizenbaum Institute, he will continue his research on the dark side of information technology use.
Ofir will join the research groups 9 “Digital Technologies and Well-being” and 10 “Digital Integration" as a research fellow from May 16 until May 31, 2019.