Baum, Katharina, Antonia Köster, Hanna Krasnova, und Monideepa Tarafdar. „Living in a World of Plenty? How Social Network Sites Use distorts Perceptions of Wealth Inequality“. In Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2020), 1–16. Virtual AIS Conference. Juni 2020.
Bergert, Cora, Antonia Köster, Hanna Krasnova, und Ofir Turel. „Missing Out on Life: Parental Perceptions of Children’s Mobile Technology Use“. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 568–583. Potsdam, Germany. März 2020.
Gundlach, Jana, Antonia Köster, Hanna Krasnova, und Monideepa Tarafdar. „How Messy Is Your News Feed – Perceived Disorder As A Novel Stressor“. In Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 1–18. A Virtual AIS Conference. Juni 2020.
Köster, Antonia, Annika Baumann, Hanna Krasnova, Michel Avital, Kalle Lyytinen, und Matti Rossi. „To Share or Not to Share: Should IS Researchers Share or Hoard their Precious Data?“ In Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 1–7. Virtual AIS Conference: AIS. Juni 2020.
Abendroth, Adrian, Douglas Parry, Daniel Le Roux, und Jana Gundlach. „An Analysis of Problematic Media Use and Technology Use Addiction Scales – What Are They Actually Assessing?“ In Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology, herausgegeben von M. Hattingh, M. Matthee, H. Smuts, I. Pappas, Y. Dwivedi, und M. Mäntymäki, 12067:211–222. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer. 2020.
Vladova, Gergana, André Renz, Norbert Gronau, Thomas Schildhauer, Antonia Köster, und Bonny Brandenburger. „Aktionsplan für digitale Bildung“. [Positionspapier]. Berlin: BMBF/Weizenbaum Institut. September 2020.
Bergert, Cora. „Unsere Kinder und das Smartphone“. [Vortrag]. Parlamentarischer Abend des Weizenbaum Instituts. John-Lennon-Gymnasium, Berlin. 13. November 2019.
Gundlach, Jana. „How Messy Is Your News Feed – Perceived Disorder As A Novel Stressor“. [Vortrag]. 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). A Virtual AIS Conference. 15. Juni 2020.
Köster, Antonia. „Digitale Ängste als Herausforderung für die Gesellschaft“. [Paneldiskussion]. Mythen, Visionen und Dystopien – wie digitale Ängste unsere Gesellschaft beeinflussen. Veranstaltungsreihe von FSF und FSM. Berlin, Germany. 5. Dezember 2019.
———. „Digitalization as a Driver of Organizational Transformation“. [Vortrag]. EFMD – HUMANE Summer School. Berlin. 19. September 2019.
———. „Missing Out on Life: Parental Perceptions of Children’s Mobile Technology Use.“ [Vortrag]. 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik. Potsdam. 9. März 2020.
———. „Why are social referrals important?“ [Vortrag]. Hong Kong Baptist University. 17. Oktober 2019.
Köster, Antonia, Annika Baumann, Hanna Krasnova, Michel Avital, Kalle Lyytinen, und Matti Rossi. „To Share Or Not To Share: Should IS Researchers Share Or Hoard Their Precious Data?“ [Paneldiskussion]. 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Virtual AIS Conference. 15. Juni 2020.