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Cora Bergert

Ehemalige Doktorandin


Cora graduated with a Master’s degree in Psychology at the Universität Trier in 2017. During her studies she was part of a research group that investigated the interception of infants and its interaction with emotional processes. Her Bachelor’s degree was attained at the Universität Bremen. In the course of her undergraduate studies, Cora spent one semester at the Université Paris 8 in Paris specializing in communication psychology as well as in clinical psychology. In the context of her Psychology studies, Cora was working as a test supervisor for the German Ministry of Education and Culture. During her employment as a tutor and different internships in psychiatric clinics and a media training agency, Cora experienced the psychological consequences of an increasing digitalization on our society. Those impressions confirmed her resolution to get involved in research on Digital Technologies and Social Media.

In 2015, Cora successfully completed a one-year training as an advisor for refugees in Germany provided by the Refugee Law Clinic Trier. She voluntarily offered counseling concerning the German law on asylum, aliens and residence and became fully aware of the significant role Social Networking plays for refugees.


Ehemalige Doktorandin:

Forschungsgruppe „Digitale Integration


Universität Potsdam


  • Digitale Integration
  • Digitale Technologien und Wohlbefinden
  • Social Media
  • Smartphone-Abhängigkeit

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Conference Proceedings

Schaan, L., Schulz, A., Nuraydin, S., Bergert, C., Hilger, A., Rach, H., & Hechler, T. (2019). Interoceptive accuracy, emotion recognition, and emotion regulation in preschool children. International Journal of Psychophysiology.

Köster, A., Bergert, C; Gundlach, J. (2018) Information as a Life Vest: Understanding the Role of Social Networking Sites for the Social Inclusion of Syrian Refugees, wird erscheinen in: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018), San Francisco, USA.

Gladkaya, M., Gundlach, J., Bergert, C., Baumann, A., Krasnova, H. (2018) We Need to Talk! Antecedents and Consequences of Children's Smartphone Use - A Literature Review, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), New Orleans, LA, August 16-18, 2018.


Presentations and Transfers

Bergert, C. (Workshop) „Wie funktioniert mein Smartphone?“, KinderUni, KreativitätsSchulzentrum Berlin gGmbH, Berlin, 31.01.2019.