Marlene Kunst
Marlene Kunst holds a Master's degree in Media and Political Communication from the Freie Universität Berlin. Besides her PhD-studies, she initially worked as a research associate and lecturer at the Freie Universität’s Institute for Media and Communication Studies. There she conducted research on political online participation in non-Western countries and managed the research project “Flight 2.0” on refugees’ media use. As a research associate at the Weizenbaum Institute, her task is to investigate user interventions against disruptive online behaviour, such as hate speech.
Her personal research interests include media trust, public opinion formation and effects of (right-wing) counterpublics online. In her PhD-thesis, she investigates causes and consequences of the rising hostility toward news media among parts of Western news audiences. Her research is situated in the field of political communication and media psychology, with an empirical focus on the method of experiments.
Former Doctoral Researcher:
Forschungsgruppe „Digital Citizenship“
Selected Publications
Kunst, M., Porten-Cheé, P., Emmer, M., & Eilders, C. (2021). Do “Good Citizens” fight hate speech online? Effects of solidarity citizenship norms on user responses to hate comments. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 1-16.
Kunst, M. (2020). Assessments of User Comments With “Alternative Views” as a Function of Media Trust. Journal of Media Psychology, 1–12.
Kunst, M., Toepfl, F., & Dogruel, L. (2020). Spirals of Speaking Out? Effects of the “Suppressed Voice Rhetoric” on Audiences’ Willingness to Express Their Opinion. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(3), 397–417.
Porten-Cheé, P., Kunst, M., & Emmer, M. (2020). Online Civic Intervention: A New Form of Political Participation Under Conditions of a Disruptive Online Discourse. International Journal of Communication, 14, 514–534.
Emmer, M., Kunst, M., & Richter, C. (2020). Information seeking and communication during forced migration. An empirical analysis of refugees’ digital-media use and its effects on their perceptions of Germany as their target country. Global Media and Communication, 16(2), 167-186.
Richter, Carola/Emmer, Martin/Kunst, Marlene (2018): Von Smartphones, Informationsnetzwerken und Misstrauen – Mediennutzung im Kontext von Flucht. Zeitschrift für Flüchtlingsforschung, 2, 292-312.
Richter, C., Emmer, M., & Kunst, M. (2019). Flucht 2.0: Was Geflüchtete wirklich mit ihren Smartphones machen. In H. Angenent, B. Heidkamp, & D. Kergel (Eds.), Digital Diversity (pp. 331–335). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Emmer, M. & Kunst, M.* (2018): „Digital Citizenship” Revisited – the Impact of ICTs on Citizens’ Political Communication beyond the Western State. International Journal of Communication, 12, 2191-2211. *authors contributed equally to this paper.
Emmer, M.; Richter, C. & Kunst, M. (2016): Flucht 2.0. Mediennutzung durch Flüchtlinge vor, während und nach der Flucht. Forschungsbericht. Berlin: Freie Universität.
Richter, C., Kunst, M. & Emmer, M. (2016): Aus der Forschungspraxis: Flucht 2.0 – Erfahrungen zur Befragung von Flüchtlingen zu ihrer mobilen Mediennutzung. Global Media Journal – German Edition, 6(1), 1-15.
Kunst, M. (2014): The Link between ICT4D and Modernization Theory. Graduate Section, Global Media Journal – German Edition, 4(2), 1-22.