Dr. Felicia Loecherbach

Felicia Loecherbach was working as a fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute in the research group "Digital News Dynamics" on a project on the significance of political content and messages via WhatsApp - a medium that is used by many people, but about which even researchers know very little. To this end, she will use so-called data donations in the project - i.e. asking participants to make parts of their WhatsApp conversations (or rather: links that have been shared) available for research.
Felicia Loecherbach has been Assistant Professor in Political Communication at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research since January 2024, having previously worked as a postdoc at the Center for Social Media and Politics at New York University and completed her PhD at the Vrijen Universiteit Amsterdam on the topic of news diversity in the digital information landscape.
She is particularly well connected in the field of computational methods in the social sciences, as a representative of the young researchers in computational methods at the International Communication Association and part of the editorial board of the open access journal "Computational Communication Research". She also frequently teaches computational methods (R and Python) and organizes hackathons for social scientists.
Former Research Fellow
Research Group: Digital News Dynamics
Fields of Research
Nachrichtendiversität, Digitale Daten, Computergestützte Methoden, Datenspenden